Trying to get your child to learn the piano isn’t always an easy task. The reason is because each child is unique and has his/her own learning ability and capacity. However, this doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible to motivate them to learn the piano.
The first and foremost important step of the process is understanding your child’s learning abilities. Everybody is unique, so is your child. They might not always act in the same way as other children. Take this example, some children strongly dislike starting of by learning the theory aspect of piano, they prefer learning it by ear as they are more musically inclined and have the necessary talent.
This brings us to our second step, which is focusing on what your child is talented and gifted at. For children who possess a gifted ear, use that to their advantage by teaching them music skills with more aural skills than technical music instruction. This will enhance their learning and retain their interest in learning the piano.
The third step to motivate and retain your child’s interest is through fun music games. This will definitely be more engaging and exciting especially for younger children. Allow your child an opportunity to explore various games using many instruments. This can help in expanding your child’s creativity, which can help in implementing music theory too.
The next step would be to exercise encouragement as a parent. Your child will always turn to you as they look for guidance. Hence, ensure that you are not only there for them, but you also communicate often with them on their progress. When they are feeling down or frustrated, try to be there to motivate them not to give up. Always explain to them why constant practice is essential and how it will be beneficial towards them, instead of insisting them to continue practicing without providing them any reasons.
The last step would be to participate in your child’s learning process. When your child knows that you care about their progress, they will tend to perform better. You can do so by checking with the piano teacher on your child’s progress as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Apart from that, you can get the teacher to set attainable goals for your child and reward them once they have achieved those goals.
These are some effective suggestions that can help you to motivate and inspire уουr child in putting his/her best foot forward, tο not just learn how to play the piano, but to excel in it!