
Payment Methods

To complete your registration, you need to make payment within 3 days or before your lesson start (whichever is earlier) to confirm your slots for the lesson.


By Internet banking / ATM transfer

You may choose to transfer to either of the following bank accounts. Kindly notify us upon successful transfer for verification purpose. The payment is available for checking only during office hours.

For Internet Banking payment:
a. You need to have an Internet Banking account with the relevant bank.
b. We recommend you to insert your name as “your initials” so that we can identify your payment.

For ATM and Cash Deposit payment:
a. Kindly verify your payment with us upon successful transaction.

Account Details:


POSB Savings 120-528519-8

* Please consult your own bank for more about internet banking.

Upon Successful Payment – Verify Payment

Help us to serve you better. Kindly verify your payment with us as soon as successful transfer/payment.

Click here to verify your payment now.