

Umayal has been teaching piano since 2016 with students ranging from 6 to 30 years old. Most of them were complete beginners learning for the graded exams, but there were also others learning for leisure. She is very friendly and understanding towards her students,...
Charmaine Pang

Charmaine Pang

Charmaine has taught students ranging from 3 to 6 years old, some whom have a short concentration span. She managed to increase their attention span by using a variety of methods. To begin with, she will speak to them individually at eye-level in a gentle tone and...
Carlyn Ong

Carlyn Ong

Carlyn started out teaching in a music school prior to giving private lessons. She is experienced in teaching students of all ages from 4 years old to seniors. Carlyn herself is trained in the ABRSM syllabus and has prepared students for the exams, where they managed...
Wendy Tan

Wendy Tan

Wendy’s significant contribution to society was via The Pistorio Foundation charity dinner which raised $100k in November 2009 as piano accompanist as well as performing for the annual student recital under John Monteiro International 2008-2010. In 2011, she...
Natalie Tan

Natalie Tan

Natalie has been teaching since 2014 for students aged 6 years old and up in both practical and theory. She personalises her lessons to suit the students’ ability, be it for the graded exams or for the pleasure of playing the piano. When she takes on a new...